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Services proposés :
Compagnie, Ménage / repassage, Cuisine, Aide administrative, Aide pour manger, Aide au bain / à l'habillement

Edmer, aide domicile - 93380 Pierrefitte-sur-seine

Les plus d'Edmer


My name is Edmer S. (my friends often call me just "Ed". I am 28 years old and a Filipino-born citizen. I came here to France last December 2017 to see my sick mother whom i had not seen for 12 years. Since then, i had the first experience taking care and watching over my mother with diabetes and high blood pressure like monitoring her condition, watching over her food and walking with her around the park, which I enjoyed a lot because I am having the time of catching up with her.

Also, I worked as a part time caregiver for 73-year old man in Neuilly sur Seine for 6 months. I assisted him while eating, taking a shower, walking in the park and made sure that he is taking his medicines on time.

I am very patient, flexible and hard-working. I speak French (conversational level -A2) and English fluently. My profession is teaching and I am very passionate about it. I love listening to music and reading books, I have so much respect and dedication to the elders so they deserve the best quality care they could get just like how they have taken good care of us when we were still young.
Thus, elderly care is a noble work. :-)

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Compagnie
Ménage / repassage
Aide administrative
Aide pour manger
Aide au bain / à l'habillement
Expérience Experience professionnelle, 1 à 2 ans.
Langues parlées Anglais (bilingue)
Français (débutant)


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31 ans
Edmer, aide domicile - 93380 Pierrefitte-sur-seine


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