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Dinesh Reddy, aide domicile à Cormeilles-en-parisis

Les plus de Dinesh Reddy


My name is Dinesh. I am currently staying in Paris( La Defense) and pursuing my Master of Business Administration in Digital Marketing Strategy.

1)I was teaching English to kids and also took care of them after school hours as a part-time job during weekdays.
I took care of one 6-year-old, 8 year and 3-years old who were very sweet and adorable. They are good listeners and love me so much because, I gave them the freedom to learn new things, new games, puzzles, new languages etc..I teach them English, Geology, History, Mathematics, Telugu, Hindi and sometimes general knowledge.

2) Activities:
-New Languages
-A lot of motivation
-Buy snacks or prepare
-Bringing them back from school
-Planning their homework
-Discover new paintings
-Art from waste

3) Generally, I conduct game activities in English because I believe in the fact that learning while playing and I am a certified professional in English from one of the top recognized center called RK Math.
I worked as a freelance tutor/caretaker for more than 5 years. I like unique teaching, I develop techniques according to the people. My learning methodology is very simple, practical training and game activities related to the language will bring the drastic change and I try to put them in every situation possible to experience and let them understand their level and improve from then..
A boy named Aniketh(4 year old) in India has no knowledge on English when I started but, now he is very comfortable speaking in English within a span of 5 months.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Compagnie
Ménage / repassage
Aide administrative
Aide pour manger
Expérience Experience personnelle : aide à la maison, etc.
Langues parlées Français (débutant)
Anglais (langue maternelle)


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Dinesh Reddy
29 ans
Dinesh Reddy, aide domicile Cormeilles-en-parisis


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