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Gardes proposées :
Garde partielle/périscolaire (infos)

Camila, babysitting - 51100 Reims

Les plus de Camila


I´m a music student, I play the piano and violoncello and also I study some languages like italian, english, and french I like so much draw, the nature and the animals, I love the music and traveling also I love to write about everything and singing... I dont have brothers or sisters and I live with my parents... I like so much the children, I really enjoy staying with them it is so funny for me, I like teaching them new things also I think that we can learn a lot of things together ... I love to learn about new places and meet new people, I´m so sensitive , dreamy and honest... I hope you can give me the opportunity!

I have been working as au pair in Italy for 3 months with 3 girls of 5-7-10 years old and it was such an amazing experience!!

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Garde partielle/périscolaire
Expérience Experience familiale : garde de frères et soeurs, cousins.
A déjà gardé des enfants de plus de 6 ans
Langues parlées Français (lu, écrit, parlé)
Anglais (courant)
Espagnol (langue maternelle)
Italien (courant)
Services supplémentaires Aide aux devoirs : Oui, niveau primaire et collège
Cuisine pour les enfants : Oui, je peux
Aide au ménage / repassage : Oui, je peux


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26 ans
Camila, babysitting - 51100 Reims


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Pour accéder aux disponibilités de Camila, vous devez être membre, profitez-en c'est gratuit

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8,00 €
de l'heure
Garde partielle/périscolaire