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Famille d'accueil, pension, Visite à domicile, Promenade

Alexis Kyle, famille d'accueil chien à Villiers-saint-fréderic

Les plus d'Alexis Kyle


Hi Im Lexi from Philippines and recently moved here in France so I dont speak French that much but Im still learning. Eversince I was a child I already fell inlove with animals to the point that I wanted to be a VetMed but unfortunately I had issues so I chosen a different path but now I am much interested to get a job here in France to save up money to get into a vet school but I am having a hard time to look for a job because Im an english speaker. Good thing I found this app which can help to provide a job as well as to do my passion. I am a certified animal lover and I am willing to take care of your pets with all love and happiness.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Famille d'accueil, pension
Visite à domicile
Expérience Je commence tout juste !
Animaux gardés Chien, Chat, Oiseau, Rongeur, Poisson


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Alexis Kyle
29 ans
Alexis Kyle, famille accueil chien Villiers-saint-fréderic


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15,00 €
par jour
Prix demandé