
Cette annonce n'est plus active ! Mais je peux vous aider à trouver d'autres personnes disponibles.

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Dernière connexion il y a 3 mois
Services proposés :
Ménage, Cuisine, Aide aux courses, Employé(e) de maison

Imelda, femme de ménage - 38960 Saint-aupre

Les plus d'Imelda


I am A Wife and A Mother of 3 children. I got my master degree in Finance, used to work for A Respected and Reputable Financial Institution. Currently I am teaching moral education for children through online or some churches in Jakarta. I decided to quit my job and be a Full time Mother once I deliver our first child for the Love that I have for my Family.

I enjoyed doing house hold activity, cooking, cleaning, taking care our children to ensure that my Family get the best nutrition and way of order in life.

Currently our children are quiet big that I can share the way I cook, cleaning and house holding with other family.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Ménage
Aide aux courses
Employé(e) de maison
Expérience Experience personnelle : aide à la maison, etc.
Langues parlées Anglais (langue maternelle)


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Votre Recherche

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47 ans
Imelda, femme ménage - 38960 Saint-aupre


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Mail Vérifié

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Pour accéder aux disponibilités d'Imelda, vous devez être membre, profitez-en c'est gratuit

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25,00 €
de l'heure
Prix demandé
Explication :

I am A Wife and A Mother of 3 children. I got my master degree in Finance, used to work for A Respected and Reputable Financial Institution. I decided to quit my job and be a Full time Mother once I deliver our first child for the Love that I have for my Family.

I enjoyed doing house hold activity, cooking, cleaning, taking care our children to ensure that my Family get the best nutrition and way of order in life.

Currently our children are quiet big that I can share the way I cook, cleaning and house holding with other family.

Autres profils aux alentours :