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Famille d'accueil, pension, Visite à domicile, Promenade

Sofia, pension chien à Paris 12ème arrondissement


My name is Sofía, I'm 23 and I'm from Colombia.

I spent my childhood in a farm, we had dogs, cats, birds and rabbits. When I grew up I had a dog called Nani, I got her when she was 2 months, I loved her with all my heart but the alst year she got cancer and she died.

I don't feel ready yet to have another pet but I would love to take care of another animals if it is possible, I'm studying french from monday to friday at 14h-16h but the rest of my time is free!

I can take them for long or short walks, I can clean them, feed them and play with them. (I will love to)

I prefer to be able to go to the houses of the pets and take care of them in there because my apartment is not that big, but if is necessary I can bring them home too and there's no problem, I live with my boyfriend and he loves animals too.


Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Famille d'accueil, pension
Visite à domicile
Expérience J'ai déjà beaucoup d'expérience
Animaux gardés Chien, Chat, Oiseau, Rongeur, Reptile, Poisson


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27 ans
Sofia, pension chien Paris 12ème arrondissement


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10,00 €
par jour
Prix demandé