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Services proposés :
Famille d'accueil, pension, Visite à domicile, Promenade

Jamie, pension chien à Paris 75000

Les plus de Jamie


My name is Jamie, originally from Hong Kong. My nationality is British. I am an optimistic, outgoing, friendly girl. I lived in London and graduated from Bsc(Hons) Leadership and Management at Northumbria University, UK. I am currently in Paris.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in France and I wish to stay longer in order to continue improving my French and embracing the wonderful French culture.
I was lucky enough to have an European family host for two years with one cat and one dog when I was in London. I was paid to take care of them daily such as feeding, walking and grooming.
Before I moved to France, I worked for a health retail company, for half a year, as an assistant store manager after i graduated.
I love to listen music and play violin. I also love to travel and learn about different cultures and languages, play sports such as swimming and hiking.
I am essentially here to extend and perfect my knowledge of the French language and culture.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Famille d'accueil, pension
Visite à domicile
Expérience J'ai déjà eu l'occasion de garder des animaux.
Animaux gardés Chien, Chat, Poisson
Langues parlées Anglais (langue maternelle)
Chinois (langue maternelle)
Français (débutant)


Jamie peut vous fournir sur demande les coordonnées d'anciens employeurs qui la recommandent.

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32 ans
Jamie, pension chien Paris 75000


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13,00 €
par jour
Prix demandé