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Camila Maria, prof particulier de danse à Paris 18ème arrondissement 75018

Les plus de Camila Maria


My name is Camila, im 22 years old and im a dancer. I've been taking classes since I was very young and I was trained with different styles of dance. I worked on TV dancing in Argentina, in music videos. I know how to dance different types of dance but I would like to teach femme style with heels, reggaeton or urban, more Latin American dances. I have training degrees from academies and from my journey as a dancer and teacher. In Argentina I gave dance classes to teenagers from 12 to 15 years old and i think im very good at teaching and i hope to start sharing a little bit of my knowledge in dance here in paris during my months here. People tend to think that be a dancer is easy but you have you know that its really difficult and you have to train a lot if you want to work of that like i want to.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Cours proposés Danse
Expérience Je donne des cours depuis 1 à 2 ans.
Langues parlées Anglais (courant)
Espagnol (langue maternelle)
Français (débutant)


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Camila Maria
24 ans
Camila Maria, prof particulier danse Paris 18ème arrondissement 75018


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21,50 €
de l'heure
Prix demandé
Explication :

I'm a dancer, i study for that 10 years of my life so i have to put a price related to my knowledge and experience