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Cours proposés :
Anglais, Chinois

Nga Yan, prof particulier de langues à Annecy-le-vieux 74940

Les plus de Nga Yan


Bonjour, je m’appelle Mona. Je viens d’Hong Kong. I have been teaching English in Hong Kong elementary school for four years and have taught children from the age of 6 to 12. I have a teaching certificate and a master’s degree in English. I also have worksheets and other teaching materials to help children learn better. I like to read books to children because they can learn the best while reading and discussing the book. I will be staying in France starting from September. I also have the certificate for Zentangle.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Cours proposés Anglais
Expérience Je suis professeur professionnel, c'est mon métier
Langues parlées Anglais (courant)
Chinois (langue maternelle)


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Nga Yan
27 ans
Nga Yan, prof particulier langues Annecy-le-vieux 74940


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25,00 €
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Explication :

I have been teaching English in two Hong Kong elementary schools for four years. I have a teaching certificate in teaching English and a master’s degree in English language. I also have worksheets and activities to help children learn better.