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Nathalie, professeur particulier d’anglais - 2720 Tramelan

Permis de conduire

I can help you out with English conversation, grammar, scholar exercises, as I worked five years in England and two years in Ireland in Help line call centers for computer companies, such as IBM and IOMEGA. I was mainly working for the the american and the English lines and also I did some catering in one of the Winchester hotels, close to London. Our customers were not always easy-going. We had to put up with angry and frustrated people, as their computers would not work, for example. Or, as a waitress, I had to be reliable, have a positive attitude towards the customers, who are "kings and queens". The Silver Service we gave had to be perfect.
I will enjoy helping people learning English language and I am very joyful and patient. Our classes can be very interested for a motivated person who wants to succeed in understanding and speaking a different language, another way of life, of thinking.
We shall find the issue to your success!

Cours proposés
Je donne des cours depuis 1 à 2 ans.
Langues parlées
Français (langue maternelle)
Anglais (bilingue)
Allemand (lu, écrit, parlé)

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Nathalie n’a pas indiqué de tarif.