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Kiran, promenade chien à Massy 91300

Les plus de Kiran


I am Kiran, I am a girl from India. I have two dogs that I love dearly. I'm in France for my master course, away from my home, I miss my dogs so much. I am a responsible person. I used to take care of my dogs while I was at my home. But now I am trying here to get a side job so that I can afford living here and at the same time, get some beautiful time spent. I would be very happy to walk your dog and take care of it. :)

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Promenade
Expérience J'ai déjà beaucoup d'expérience
Animaux gardés Chien
Langues parlées Anglais (courant)


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28 ans
Kiran, promenade chien Massy 91300


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Pour accéder aux disponibilités de Kiran, vous devez être membre, profitez-en c'est gratuit

Je m'inscris !


10,00 €
par jour
Prix demandé
Explication :

I have 2 dogs of my own and I miss them all the time. That is why I want to do this. I used to take care of them and take them for walks all the time, I would love to do the same while I'm here in France.