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Alexander, promeneur chien à Suresnes

Les plus d'Alexander


Hi, I'm Alexander from Philippines, 46 years old, I am a Dog lover and a registered Dog Breeder. I have American Bully and French Bulldog. I love Dogs. That why I decided to put up a little business in Dog breeding. Being in that kind of Business I learned a lot by experience and learning on how to handle our Pets. Each passing day, you have to embraced and understand our Dog because they're like us, needs love and affection. Threat them as like your own children. I have experience in taking care of Dogs (Small or Large Breed). I start in taking a bath, giving the right food for them. Bringing them in outside for walking, playing. And help them to make poo and pee in the right place. Giving them some a little exercise so that our Dogs become healthy. Also I can take care the newly born puppies until they grown enough. Helping the mother of the puppies.

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Visite à domicile
Expérience J'ai déjà beaucoup d'expérience
Animaux gardés Chien


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47 ans
Alexander, promeneur chien Suresnes


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20,00 €
par jour
Prix demandé