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Services proposés :
Repassage, Cuisine

Carolyn, repassage à Collonges-sous-salève


I am Carolyn, 32 years old, originally from the Philippines. My mother tongue is Tagalog and I speak English fluently. I just arrived in France 5 months ago. I am in a legal situation in France, with a residence permit valid until 2023. I was a kindergarten teacher and an English Teacher with TESOL certificate. I just got married and don't have children yet.

The maintenance of the house has always been part of my life since my childhood, it is natural in Filipino culture.I try to always give the best of myself in everything I do as a task or service. I do not hesitate to ask questions to better understand your expectations and know where are the limits not to exceed.

I know that the way of doing things in France may differ from that of the Philippines, but that's what motivates me the most because I like to meet the challenges!

I guarantee you that you will not be disappointed in our collaboration

Mini Curriculum Vitae

Services proposés Repassage
Expérience Experience personnelle : aide à la maison, etc.


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37 ans
Carolyn, repassage Collonges-sous-salève


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15,00 €
de l'heure
Prix demandé
Explication :

je demande ce prix à cause de la très bonne qualité de mes services.